How Does Cold Laser Help TMJ Issues ?

Laser For TMJ

How Does Cold Laser Help TMJ Issues ?

In healthcare there are generally two types of laser therapy applications; Hot Laser (used in surgery for cutting and burning tissue, and Cold Laser (non-cutting or burning used to stimulate cells for healing). Hot lasers are used by surgeons and dermatologists while cold lasers are used commonly by chiropractors, veterinarians, physical therapists, dentists, and some medical doctors. Since our practice is not a surgical or dermatological practice, we utilize only Cold Laser Therapy.


Cold Lasers Effects on Biological Systems

Cold Laser therapy is the application of a concentrated light beam, usually in the ranges of 600 to 1100 nm. Light energy packets from lasers are called “photons”. You might remember photons from 7th grade biology as the energy the sun puts out that stimulates plants (and other things) to grow and flourish. A laser concentrates photons in a small area at a precise wavelength in order to stimulate specific effects on the cells in the body and the intracellular matrix (the stuff between the cells).  Probably the most studied effect laser therapy has on cells is in the stimulation of a cell's engine; the mitochondria.  The mitochondria run off a molecule called ATP.   ATP is the “gas” of a cell, and a laser stimulates its production. If you stimulate ATP production you stimulate cell function. If you stimulate cell function you stimulate tissue function.  If you stimulate tissue function you stimulate the function of systems (nerves, muscles, organs, immune). If you stimulate systems you stimulate healing! Think of Laser as a battery pack that can kick start and speed up your body's own healing system.  


Why Use Cold Laser on the TMJ ?

Remember TMJ stands for (Temporo-mandibular-Joint).  Joints are made up of and governed by ligaments, muscles, cartilage and nerves.  TMJ issues are often related to inflammation of theses tissues, and a breakdown in their connective tissue component. "They Ain't Happy !"   Cold laser therapy helps to reduce the inflammation, restore normal muscle length and stimulate cell healing (like in the cartilage and muscle).  In addition the laser "talks" to your nerve system and helps it to reduce it's firing, thus reducing pain signals.


Are There Any Side Effects of Cold Laser For TMJ ?

One of the really nice things about using Cold Laser is there are very few side effects.  In fact, Cold Laser Therapy for pain is not only effective, but it is one of the safest procedures out there.  This is important when comparing it to things like: muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatories, and pain killers all of which can have some serious side-effects and pose the risk of addiction. 


Settings and Guidelines for Cold Laser......

It would be nice if all you had to do was find a laser pointer and put it on your jaw and all your pain would go away! But sadly that is not the case.  Laser therapy is complex, and while safe, it does have a number of parameters that need to be in place for it to be effective.  In addition, as helpful as laser therapy can be, it is only a tool for speeding healing. Discovering and addressing the root causes of TMJ dysfunction is imperative in order to get the best outcome possible. We have done our best to stay up to date on the application of laser as well as the other components necessary to help a vast number of TMJ Issue patients. If you have questions on any of these procedures or would just like to run your concerns by somebody, we would be happy to talk with you on the phone, just give us a call.

Yours in Health,


Doug Williams, D.C. Picture

Doug Williams, D.C.

TMJ Relief Center at Care Chiropractic

134 Execuitve Drive #3

Lafayette, Indiana


(765) 448-6489

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Dr. Doug Williams

Monday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM