Could My TMJ Issue Cause Tinnitus ?


Could My TMJ Issue Cause Tinnitus?

Tinnitus can be a very disabling condition.  It is typically characterized by some type of noise in one or both ears that is present even without "external stimulus", basically your the only one who hears it!  Most of us over a lifetime will likely be plagued with it on some level.  For some it is temporary, but for others it can be chronic and can effect not just their ears, but their whole life. In its benign form it usually associated with getting older, hearing loss, and exposure to loud noises over a life time.  More ominous types of tinnitus can be caused by tumors in and about the ear and head, thankfully these are rare. Identifying if the sound is "pulsatile" (goes with the heartbeat) is important to rule out any vascular issue and can be associated with high blood pressure either systemically (all over the body) or just in the skull.   Evaluating tinnitus typically includes looking in the ear to rule out tears or impacted wax, general health parameters; blood pressure, cholesterol levels, signs of diabetes or pre-diabetes, and possible medication causes (all of these have been linked to the disorder).  A good history of the condition can usually determine if there is cause for a more aggressive type. Additional imaging (MRI etc.) is not usually done unless there is a red flag (concerns of tumor etc.).  If the sound is pulsatile referral to  an otolaryngologist is in order.  Very commonly a referral is made for a full hearing evaluation and possibly hearing aids as this can often have some effect at alleviating symptoms. 

There does exist within the Tinnitus continuum a subset called Somatosensory Tinnitus.  This is the part where the TMJ comes in!

Ellie the TMJ Dog

Somatosensory Tinnitus

In a nutshell, Somatosensory Tinnitus comes into play when someone can move their head, neck  jaw, eyes or limb and change the expression of their symptoms.  They move something and it gets better.  This clue is especially important in people who have a normal hearing test.  What is thought to be happening is that by moving the structure it is somehow impacting the neural wiring network in and about the head neck and brain, and shutting off or reducing the tinnitus symptoms.  In 2017 The Journal Of Medical Research had this to say specifically about the relation ship to the TMJ:

"consistent improvements in tinnitus symptoms have been observed in patients with temporomandibular joint disease following targeted therapy for temporomandibular disorders. Somatosensory tinnitus is often overlooked by otolaryngologists and not fully investigated during the diagnostic process. Somatic disorders, when identified and treated, can be a valid therapeutic target for tinnitus; however, somatic screening of patients for somatosensory tinnitus is imperative for correct selection of subjects who would benefit from a multidisciplinary somatic approach."


  What Does This Mean To You ?

Not everyone with Tinnitus has a TMJ Issue, and not everyone with a TMJ Issue has Tinnitus. However, if you have Tinnitus and a TMJ Issue and the following is true regarding your condition:

  1. You can effect the Tinnitus by moving your jaw, head or neck
  2. You have relatively normal hearing
  3. You don't have any other overt signs or history that speak to some other cause

then there is a decent chance you could get some relief from the Tinnitus if you can get your TMJ issue to resolve. 

In our office we are big fans of something we call Treatment Diagnostic.  What is meant by that is if the conditions look favorable, go ahead and treat and see what happens.  Because the treatment and techniques we use rarely have any side effects as opposed to drugs and surgery, it is worth giving the body a chance to respond and do what it was designed to do, LIVE WELL !

It all starts with the proper history and evaluation.  If you have concerns about Tinnitus and think it may be related to your TMJ Issue, feel free to get ahold of me, and I will be happy to see if I can help, or point you in the right direction if it doesn't look like we can.

Yours in Health,


Doug Williams, D.C.

Doug Williams, D.C.

TMJ Relief Center at Care Chiropractic

134 Executive Drive #3

Lafayette, Indiana


(765) 448-6489

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Dr. Doug Williams

Monday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM