Could My TMJ Be Causing Headaches (Part 3)


Help For Headaches and Neck Pain

  In Part 2 of this article we looked at how to do a self evaluation for headaches originating in the head and neck, and and what to look for in terms of symptoms that you can work on your own vs. those you need to seek immediate medical attention for.  


Shameless Plug !

  While I am a chiropractor who has a special interest and attention to TMJ issues, I am my colleagues have a combined 100 years + in treating conditions of the musculoskeletal system ! Many of our patients over the years have presented with a primary symptom of headaches.  Some of these originate from the spine, some from the TMJ (and a few from other issues).  In this article we are going to be going over some great ways to help address your own headache and neck pain, but I would be amiss if I didn't give you the full picture.  Chiropractic works on the premise that if bones of the spine (and other areas) are stuck, it will impact the local neurology as well as the muscles and ligaments.  Our job in office is to release the stuck joints through an adjustment (pressure by hand or an instrument) and then encourage lengthening of the muscles as well as stabilizing abnormal posture. Lengthening and strengthening of the muscles can be done by the patient, adjustments should be done by the doctor. The exercises and stretches we will go over in this article are the same ones we give to our patients in office to augment their adjustments. This is true whether the issue is coming from the neck, TMJ or both.  I can say that not all patients with headaches have TMJ issues, but almost all of the patients that come in with TMJ issues have problems in the neck.  Sometimes the stretches and exercises are enough, but sometimes you really do need some direct care (adjustment, laser, etc.) in order to get over the "hump" to where they can really be effective and preventative.   If what we go over in this article is ineffective, or  just flat out hurts, discontinue until you get in, or at least give us a call so we can talk about it.


Golden Handcuffs

One of the terms you will hear me use in the office is "golden handcuffs".  I didn't come up with it, I actually heard it from my chiropractor Dr. Jim Mattern.  Golden handcuffs usually refers to a collection of financial incentives that are intended to encourage employees to remain with a company for a stipulated period of time. How Dr. Jim uses it is to describe the physical toll that our jobs take in exchange for our paycheck, specifically the postures and ranges of motion we get into and sometimes never get into. For instance: if you work at a computer all day your body is locked in flexion (a bent forward, hunched over posture) and rarely sees extension (arching backwards).  This can really play havoc on your lower back and neck.  If you work as a painter you may have your torso moving more, but you likely way overuse one arm or the other causing some muscles to get irritated and inflamed.  Every job has a pair of golden handcuffs! The answer isn't usually to quit your job, but to do the following: 

  1. Reduce any associated muscle Trigger Points (areas of muscle that stay tight when the fibers around them are relaxed, making the area sore)
  2. Increasing the length of the tight muscles
  3. Re-activate normal posture

These are actually easier to demonstrate than to write about.  The next three videos are easy to follow and can be done several times in a day.  In fact, I would encourage you to work on them throughout the day, rather than all at once.  That is a sure fire way to break up the golden handcuffs!  Watch these three short clips, and I will be back at the end with a few closing comments!


This short video goes over effective ways to release the trigger points of the neck and shoulder. This is a shortened version of our whole body Trigger Point Video. In it I am using a tennis ball in a sock to apply pressure to the trigger points. If you don't have one, stop by the office and just ask the front, we keep a lot of them around the office and I am happy to give you one at no charge.  I encourage you to watch the Whole Body Video for a more detailed explanation on how to do trigger point work.


This short video goes over simple ways to stretch muscles of the neck and TMJ


This video goes over how to reset the most common posture issue for neck pain and headaches; Forward Head Posture. There is no talking in this one, so follow the instructions below.

  1. Stand with backside against a wall, feet out in front of you 8-12 inches.
  2. Slowly roll your spine up until the back of your head is touching the wall.
  3. Slightly tuck your chin without raising your head off the wall.
  4. Contract your glutes and spinal muscles until everything is off the wall except your head, making sure to not let your hips get out in front of your shoulders.
  5. Hold this position for 45-60 seconds. 
  6. Walk your feet back to the wall and allow your backside and ribcage to once again touch the wall. (If you are having trouble getting your head to touch the wall, contact me at the office and we can go over an alternative)


In Closing..........   Headaches and neck pain are very common issues in society today.  Almost all of it has to pass through the muscles and joints of the shoulders, neck and jaw.  It makes sense to correct for any muscles and joints that are short and tight in order to get a handle on pain in these areas. The easiest things to get at on your own are trigger points, short muscles and altered posture; especially forward head posture. The simple but effective approach in the videos above are intentionally short and sweet so they can be done multiple times during the day, especially the work week. If they are not helping, you may have some underlying issues that need a more direct approach, contact us if that is the case.  If you have questions, or just need a tennis ball and sock, feel free to give us a call !

Yours in health,



Doug Williams, D.C.

TMJ Relief Center at Care Chiropractic

134 Executive Drive #3

Lafayette, Indiana


(765) 448-6489

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Dr. Doug Williams

Monday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM