Could My Phone or Computer Be Causing TMJ Issues?
If you look at the gentleman in the picture above (no it actually isn't me) you can note several things. First, normal posture would be the head balanced directly over the shoulders, the phone shifts the skull mass (head) forward. Second, in order to look down at his screen, the skull mass (head) is angled down, this is easy to tell by comparing the arm of his glasses to the horizontal. Finally, in order to balance the head going forward, the upper back is forced to push back and this ends up rounding his shoulders. This is commonly termed Forward Head Posture (FHP), and has been related in the literature to neck pain, carpal tunnel and headaches. In addition FHP can cause stress and strain on the muscles in and about the head and neck, and start to pull the jaw back into its socket, compressing the sensitive nerve (Trigeminal Nerve) that sits right behind it. Over time this can irritate the muscles around the jaw, as well as the ligaments and disc that make up the Jaw joint. This causes inflammation, spasm and eventually can lead to arthritic changes. In a recent article (2020) from the Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences the authors have related FHP to Neck and TMD issues. They conclude:
"On the basis of findings of present study, we can conclude significant relationships between temporomandibular dysfunction, forward head posture and self reported severity of neck pain in patients with neck pain and TMJ dysfunction. "
Translation: When your head is bent forward looking at your phone or computer, your neck and jaw are probably not going to be happy, and eventually will start to let you know
You have two TMJ's, one on each side of your face. They are made up of the bones of your skull (Temporal Bone), your jaw bone (Mandible) and the disc's ligaments and muscles that connect the two and allow movement. When you lose the ability to open and close your mouth smoothly it can irritate the muscles, discs and nerves in your jaw leading to pain and limitation of movement as well as a variety of other symptoms collectively called Temporal Mandibular Disorder (TMD). While there are a lot of different causes for TMD an emerging one is related to the postures we end up in (sometimes for hours at a time) secondary to the technology we use (phones, computers, etc.).
Check out the Self Help For TMJ Disorder section for some great exercises and stretches to address these common posture faults that cause jaw issues.
My practice specializes in manual therapy. We would be happy to talk with you regarding any pain or problems you may be having with your TMJ and see if we can help, or recommend something that can. Feel free to give us a call and schedule a phone consultation at no charge.
Yours in Health,
Doug Williams, D.C.
TMJ Relief Center At Care Chiropractic
134 Executive Drive #3
Lafayette, Indiana
(765) 448-6489